Zodiac Signs Meaning
In the Western School of Astrology, there are 12 signs of the Zodiac, having a karmic basis. The analysis of the celestial bodies location on the star map at the time of a person’s birth makes it possible to determine its temperament, views on life, unique abilities, and inborn deficiencies. The inseparable connection with a certain zodiac sign leaves an imprint on the future destiny of the individual, predetermines the course of development of love relations, and predicts the most successful compatibility with the partner. Having studied the characteristics of the cosmic constellations, you can not only direct your personal life in the right direction but also avoid possible mistakes.
There are 12 Zodiac Signs in Astrology
Planets Associated With Each Zodiac Sign
Out of 12 zodiac signs in astrology, each one of them has its own planet ruler along with them there are also celestial belt wards with two astronomical objects. Traditionally, 10 cosmic bodies that reflect the properties of zodiac signs and their unique features, as well as a number of asteroids representing their type of energy, are distinguished in astrology. Planets that are in a personal horoscope associated with the moment of birth of a person, reflect the features and characteristics of the individual, his character, and the uniqueness of temperament. Outside the natal chart, astronomical objects are a collection of accumulated knowledge and behaviors that are characteristic of all people of the same era.
Elements in Astrology
Philosophical treatises of Chinese sages singled out 5 elements – primary elements, while Western astrologers distinguish only 4 natural elements. They are united by one goal – to help a person find their belonging and spiritual harmony, to understand themselves. Each sign of the Zodiac has a dual nature: Yin (defines introversion, intuition and passive traits) and Yan (responsible for extraverting and dominating logic). The polar opposite signs of two opposites are able to improve the compatibility of partners, unipolar on the contrary – worsen.