Career & Business Astrologer

Career Career and business astrologers and Business

Whether you are into a small business or large, whether yours is a local venture or multi-national, you shouldn’t start doing business without using astrology. Vedic Astrology is an all-pervasive science, and one of its strongest proponents, our experienced Vedic Astrologers, aims to lay threadbare the secrets of success in business using astrology. If you also want to know these secrets, Consult with our expert Business Astrologers.

How a Business Astrology Expert can help you succeed?

  • Hand-written report by expert and reputed astrologers
  • To-the-point answer to your business-related questions
  • Vedic solutions to erase negative effects of your birth-chart

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Q – How can astrology help me select business ideas?

Most people opt for unsuitable business ideas and eventually suffer huge losses. The reason behind business failure or losses is they start a business without due deliberation However since his planets (based on a person’s Kundli) are not in sync with the particular idea, the venture sinks. So yes, astrology absolutely helps in generating favorable business ideas. 4 out of the 12 houses of your horoscope are dedicated to business. With the help of an experienced business astrologer, you can use these houses to give you sufficient business ideas from your birth chart, provided the person reading the birth chart,  analyze the horoscope for business success. It all starts with a good business yoga, after which you need to get checked which kind of business would be compatible with your business yoga. This is an ideal method of correlation, which will give you sufficient business ideas to work with.

Q - Business success depends upon business name?

Yes! The first letter of the business name is very important. Repeatedly using the syllables of your business name can actually activate the nakshatra it is associated with. The letters of your business name should activate the powerful & favorable nakshatras of your horoscope. A the same time those nakshatras should be supportive of the business.  A good business astrologer knows these facts & carefully select a business name for his clients that really helps in business success. If that happens, repeated use of name uplifts the right nakshatra, which in turn stabilizes your business, bringing in profits. On the other hand, if your business name not selected properly, the name syllable might activate a negative Nakshatra, upending the business prospects.

Q – Does a Kundli or horoscope indicate success in business?

Predicting the possibility of success in business is a complex calculation & needs lots of astrological experience.  Vedic Astrology requires the reading of separate charts like the Hora (D-2), Dashmansha (D-10), and the Shastiamsa(D-60). The 10th, 7th, 6th, 2nd, and 12th houses in these charts are dedicated business matters that help an astrologer analyzing your business success. If you want to know about the business success you will achieve in your endeavor, you will know that from the Yogas that form in these charts and houses.

Q – Is Astrology really helpful in getting success in business?

It’s hard to believe for pessimists but astrology can really be helpful in getting success in business & career. Most importantly, it forewarns you about whether you possess business acumen or not. If your stars support business success, it helps you find out what type of business would be the most profitable for you. Beyond the start of business, astrology also helps you make decisions like when to expand your business for the best results. In case there is an anti-Dasha or a difficult period ahead in terms of business prospects, astrology warns you beforehand. Business success is sure if your horoscope is analyzed by an expert business astrologer. How much success you’ll achieve, depends upon the stars support you & your hard work towards the right direction given by the astrologer.